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we have one... but since it's indigo's sister... if she see's this, I'll give her the opportunity to tell it

but it seems on any given night, our CB's are better entertainment than any soap opera could EVER be

I don't know that it's crazy, but it is pretty stinkin bad. My Unit Leader made it sparkling clear to the whole unit (INCLUDING CAMPERS) that Junior councilors are NOT councilors. So right as the "real" councilor in my cabin left for her 24 hours off, they decided I was a complete joke and they didn't have to listen to a thing I said. They claim I always yell at them, which I don't, but I do get stern b/c they don't listen to me at all! It's awful. They spent the whole day saying how they miss the other councilor so much, and how they are cleaning etc. etc. so she wont get mad at them. I'd been asking them to clean all day. They laugh when I tell them to be quiet after bed or during announcements. I'm scheduled to talk to the higher-ups tommorow. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

This did not happen this summer. This happened at the camp I used to live at with my parents when I was 13. I had just got back home at 11 P.M. from band practice,(it ran late), and my fingers and arms were hurting from practicing for over 3 hours, took something for the pain and went to bed. Our residence was near the tents. At about 1 A.M. in the morning I heard a loud scream from the tent area. My mom and me had to get up to see what was going on. Turned out, two campers who had just got back from the latrines, found a skunk, it sprayed the tent and got out the back, and we later had to thow away the tent, which was worth around $500 at that time ! And as long as we
were at that camp, we never pitched a 4-person tent on that platform again !

Last week a stray cat was in the teen unit while they were having cook out and the daisy unit was also there so the directors had to call animal control.

Three other girl counselors and I were in the bathroom today putting on sunblock and goofing off. Someone told a joke, and we started laughing so much that we were crouching over, and one of the counselors sat on the sink. WHAM! The sink fell off the wall and collapsed with a thud on the linoleum floor. Oh. My. God. We were beyond laughing now, absolutely unable to breath, with a broken pipe spraying water all over us and the bathroom. We tried stopping the leak, but it just sprayed up over our heads, drenching the floor to the point where our flip flops were immersed in the water. Hahahaha, my sides hurt just thinking about it. I ran to get the directer, who didn't look too happy with my giggles, and we all mopped it up with these stupid broken mops that made us laugh even more.

I hooked up with another CIT in the dishroom at our last counselor party.

It was crazy.

Originally posted by campity:
I hooked up with another CIT in the dishroom at our last counselor party.

It was crazy.
I'm sorry, I must be missing something. Is it leagal at your camp to hook up with minors? Is this something you're proud of?

I'm guessing Campity is another CIT.

Yea. I'm a CIT. We're both minors. It's ok.

I work at a Cub Scout camp, and one of the packs that came last session moved a canoe to the top of our dining hall roof (which is almost 3 stories high at the peak), and put the staff kayaks all over other camp roofs. Nice surprise for the waterfront director to wake up to at 6am.. removing watercrafts from roofs This is all after the dads got mad drunk.

So, we had an "outbreak" of the whooping cough at my camp. . . which means that a few people who were there for the second session tested positive for it. But the CDC forced us to be quarantined for 5 days, so no one could leave camp. They wanted to fly a helicopter in with meds, but the director said no. But every person at camp from both sessions had to take meds. That was kinda crazy!

There was a lice breakout in the younger grades-- EW! Thank god I'm wish the older ones.

Speaking of lice outbreaks, we had one, too. The day after we had an outbreak of ringworm in the same unit. Everything had just been bleached for the ringworm and we had to do it again the following day for the lice. It was crazy!

in the middle of camp this summer me and 3 of my friends formed the 3:33 club.. aka we prank at 3:33 in the morning.. so our big prank was to balloon the office.. so we spent all day sunday- tues blowing up ballooons and got our 15 cits to help us... then the night of the prank our cits were sleeping out with their units so we had to run all over camp to get them.. then we ballooned the office.. it was about 5 feet high \:\) and when the directors opened the office the next morining the director was like i want to jump in the balloons... so she climbs up on her desk and dives into the balloons... and you heard a thunk and and ouch! so turns out she fractured her wrist.. oops.. she was really good about it and said it was the dumbest/funniest thing she had ever done.. but still it was such a random thing to happen but it was soo funny!

I certainly had a crazy last day I work at a day camp with an environmental focus so every day we walk down to the beach and catch fish, crabs ect. Well on our way back from the beach we usually like to go through the woods. We usually put the CITs up front and they lead the group and the counselors are in the back to make sure that no one gets lost. Well since it was the last day I guess one of the CITs decided to have a little adventure. They decided to take a trail we had never taken before (Even though me and the other counselor for the middle group said NO!) Well things were going ok on the trail for a while but then someone in the front of the trail stepped on a wasp nest. The CIT and 3 campers got stung which resulted in hysterical campers (for good reason!) The director didn't seem too annoyed (well he was def. a little annoyed at the CIT) I guess thats just a risk taken going to camp.

Originally posted by whittie:
So, we had an "outbreak" of the whooping cough at my camp. . . which means that a few people who were there for the second session tested positive for it. But the CDC forced us to be quarantined for 5 days, so no one could leave camp. They wanted to fly a helicopter in with meds, but the director said no. But every person at camp from both sessions had to take meds. That was kinda crazy!
I think we had whooping cough but didn't know it until after the season, which is when the Wisconsin department of health issued a warning about whooping cough. In a nutshell, many of us, including myself, my wife, two of my kids, and several camp staff ended up at the hospital with a killer cough. For the first time in the 12 years that I have been associated with my current camp, I had to call an ambulance for my 4 month old son. He went to bed seemingly normal and woke up barely able to breathe at 3AM. Boy was that an eye opener. In the middle of podunk Wisconsin it took 45 minutes for the ambulance to arrive & we almost swerved off the road twice on the way to the hospital...once to avoid a deer and once to avoid a black bear. Based on the description of whooping cough, which the hospital did not diagnose and again the health department didn't tell anybody about until most camp seasons were over, I'm sure that is what we all had.

In all my years at camp I have not experienced an illness that knocked so many people out of action so fast.

That would be very scary, CD7.

Ours was probably a storm one of the last days of camp. I got back to camp from a half day off just as it was finishing passing over. It came up really fast and caught two of the counselors out on a ski boat taking the directors sons tubing. The wind was so bad they couldn't get in on off the lake. It knocked down the top of a really tall tree. We think it was wind, but it might have been lightening. It was fortunate that it fell the way it did, because if it had fallen the other way, it would have fallen onto the dining hall. While this storm was going on, the two color war teams were busy practicing their songs for skit night.
The storm must have knocked out some kind of telephone line. We didn't have any telephones working again until halfway through the next day. Then for the rest of camp only some telephones would work. For example, in the counselor shack it seemed like either the phone line or the internet would be working, but rarely both. And which ones were working would switch around randomly.

oh man, we do craziness well. or at least, we did this summer. during precamp we had a cat invite herself to various campfires and to the windowsill of our cabin. now, last summer we had a pregnant cat show up so we were in no mood for another feline. on our 24 hours before campers arrived we took her to the humane society. this entailed fighting with them to take her. rarrr. we then had another cat show up and make his way in and out of my girls tents at night, keeping us up till 4am. i am sick of cats.

the kicker of the summer would have to be the drug paraphanalia found on property though. campers found it in the woods. not good.

At the beginning of our two-weeker campfire (a big deal), our program director was paddling the canoe that my camp director was carrying a torch in. Well, see, my p.d. and I had made the torch on an old tiki torch. Bad idea. Big heavy kerosene soaked towel on the end of a brittle old thing. Right. So they steer up to the dock, and as the camp director goes to get out of the canoe, the torch breaks and falls into the water. I freak, thinking it fell in the canoe for a second, but all I hear is laughing. It was most ridiculous. Ha ha ha I'm totally laughing thinking about it.

Oh we also had these little plastic chairs outside our office for our smaller campers (they were among plastic adirondacks). One Friday, one of our unit leaders was sitting in one when she was attacked by an assistant u.l. The chair completely broke under them and they rolled in the mud. Ridiculous.

Wow, my camp was actually in the middle of podunk Wisconsin. . . what camp were you at?

Originally posted by CD7:
Originally posted by whittie:
So, we had an "outbreak" of the whooping cough at my camp. . . which means that a few people who were there for the second session tested positive for it. But the CDC forced us to be quarantined for 5 days, so no one could leave camp. They wanted to fly a helicopter in with meds, but the director said no. But every person at camp from both sessions had to take meds. That was kinda crazy!
I think we had whooping cough but didn't know it until after the season, which is when the Wisconsin department of health issued a warning about whooping cough. In a nutshell, many of us, including myself, my wife, two of my kids, and several camp staff ended up at the hospital with a killer cough. For the first time in the 12 years that I have been associated with my current camp, I had to call an ambulance for my 4 month old son. He went to bed seemingly normal and woke up barely able to breathe at 3AM. Boy was that an eye opener. In the middle of podunk Wisconsin it took 45 minutes for the ambulance to arrive & we almost swerved off the road twice on the way to the hospital...once to avoid a deer and once to avoid a black bear. Based on the description of whooping cough, which the hospital did not diagnose and again the health department didn't tell anybody about until most camp seasons were over, I'm sure that is what we all had.

In all my years at camp I have not experienced an illness that knocked so many people out of action so fast.

Hey Bloom, the torch falling was pretty scary. From where I was sitting it looked like it landed in the canoe! What a catastrophe THAT would have been!

And them breaking the kiddie chair was absolutely HISTERICAL!!!

Originally posted by whittie:
Wow, my camp was actually in the middle of podunk Wisconsin. . . what camp were you at?

Originally posted by CD7:
Originally posted by whittie:
So, we had an "outbreak" of the whooping cough at my camp. . . which means that a few people who were there for the second session tested positive for it. But the CDC forced us to be quarantined for 5 days, so no one could leave camp. They wanted to fly a helicopter in with meds, but the director said no. But every person at camp from both sessions had to take meds. That was kinda crazy!
I think we had whooping cough but didn't know it until after the season, which is when the Wisconsin department of health issued a warning about whooping cough. In a nutshell, many of us, including myself, my wife, two of my kids, and several camp staff ended up at the hospital with a killer cough. For the first time in the 12 years that I have been associated with my current camp, I had to call an ambulance for my 4 month old son. He went to bed seemingly normal and woke up barely able to breathe at 3AM. Boy was that an eye opener. In the middle of podunk Wisconsin it took 45 minutes for the ambulance to arrive & we almost swerved off the road twice on the way to the hospital...once to avoid a deer and once to avoid a black bear. Based on the description of whooping cough, which the hospital did not diagnose and again the health department didn't tell anybody about until most camp seasons were over, I'm sure that is what we all had.

In all my years at camp I have not experienced an illness that knocked so many people out of action so fast.
Camp Glenwood
Loretta, Wisconsin

oh wow craziness at my camp this summer...where do i start?

first of all on girls side we had 4 girls pass out and 2 of them had seizures. this was at all different times of the summer but all right after lineup at the flagpole either in the morning or at night. it was the strangest thing. 3 of the girls were in my group, 2 in my bunk, 1 was a year younger. probably some of the scariest stuff i have ever seen...but by the 4th time it was weird- them camp was so not sensitive to it...except for my groupleader she freaked out every time. we found out that 2 of the girls had viruses, the other 2 were just dehydrated, and the seizures were caused by them hitting the ground not actual medical problems, but it was scary nonetheless. all of the girls are fine, thank goodness, it was just the weirdest thing...and the running joke was that it was from looking at the flagpole so our groupleader would yell DON'T STARE AT THE FLAGPOLE every day, haha. don't think i'm some crazy psycho for laughing at kids passing out, but it just kind of turned into a joke once each kid was ok. only the first one was really scary b/c it was the most severe.

another thing that happened was that something happened to a wire in between 2 of the bunks and it started a small fire...well none of us knew that but our lights randomly went out, and since there was no storm or anything we had a weird feeling that something was going on. so i walked out onto our porch and the groupheads were out there yelling at all of us to get everyone up to the softball field. of course we had no clue why so we were bugging out, then when we got up there it was explained to us and we relaxed, but of course the kids didn't. we had so many scared, crying kids, plus it was shower time so half of them were in towels or bathrobes and we had to give them our clothes. then, to calm the kids down, we started singing some camp songs and that worked, but it was the funniest sight i have ever seen- the whole camp lined up in towels and all of the counselors' clothes, and the counselors standing half naked in front of them leading the singing...after about 30 minutes we were allowed to go back down to the bunks but it was so bizarre!

i know there are more crazy moments, i'll post when i think of them!


so, the running story is that one of our units is haunted. Yea, I know, hahaha funny nothing to be scared about it's just a legend. Not.

I don't know if I believe in ghosts, but whew! i do NOT like that unit.

So one night, all the staff from that unit got back at 1 am, after we'd all gone out to denny's and come back to camp. We were all in bed, reading or thinking but not actually asleep yet, and we hear a camper start to cry. The poor girl was sobbing hysterically, really loud, and so one of the staff from our cabin got up and put on shoes and went over to check on the camper cabin. The rest of us stayed in bed, and about 5 minutes after she left, the sobbing stopped abrubtly, and all we could hear were the crickets. Then the staff member came back and she walked in our cabin and was all... there was no camper crying. And we were all, what? and she told us she'd walked into the cabin and heard the crying but she couldn't tell where it was coming from, so she shined her headlight into each girl's face and they were all DEAD ASLEEP. no tears, nothing.

So this staff member got back in bed and we all settled down, and then 5 minutes later it started again. She got up to go check on it and I decided to go with her. The second we stepped foot outside the cabin, the crying stopped, just like that. we were about to go back into our cabin when we heard someone walking down the path towards us... but we shined our flashlights and there was no one there. It was really freaky.

So again, we went inside and got back in bed. We were all drowsing, mostly asleep when we were woken up by someone SCREAMING. It sounded like someone was screaming right outside our cabin door. But there was no one there.

Scary. Or not so much now. But keep in mind that this unit is known to be haunted at our camp. We have had counselors spend the night inside the bathrooms because they were too scared to go outside (everyone says they heard something walking around and around the bathrooms when everyone was in bed) and little brownies have woken up counselors in the middle of the night hysterical, claiming that there's a girl standing outside their cabin crying and moaning. it's not a fun place to sleep, whether or not you believe in ghosts. And after this summer... hmmmm...

And I thought my summer was crazy! We missed the whooping cough but we deffiantly had a lice out break! A good 1/3 of our staff ended up having it. Not only did we have that but one morning we woke up to 3 sheep running around camp.

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