That's so sad! But I agree with you guys on moving on and also looking forward to camp and being with your friends. In 4th grade one of my classmates was diagnosed with a brain tumor and I remember all through the rest of elementary school I was his buddy. I helped him out with things, I went with him to the nurse. We hung out during recess. Then middle school came and we didn't have like any classes together and it was sad. He passed away in 8th grade and I remember the principal's voice over the PA system and what class I was in. I went to his funeral, as did like half the school's faculty and students!

Ok, wow, this is a sad post! We definitely managed to find a depressing topic. I have been lucky tohugh, that nothing traumatic has happened that caused me to not really be able to get good grades, nor have I been sick enough to not go to classes for more than a few days. One of these days something is going to go horribly wrong in my life because I have yet to really have any horribleness in my life. Eeek! Well, back to the grindstone of homework!

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"