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Posted By: Anonymous Counselor Evaluation - 03/05/07 05:42 PM
I am looking for a new Counselor Evaluation Form. I am a Head Counselor and starting to plan for the summer. Our current evaluation form for Counselors is too general. We have a 2 week evaluation that asks for positives and negatives. Our Mid-Summer evaluation is a little more specific with questions on roaming and teaching classes. However counselors still feel like they do not get enough feedback. Are there any evaluation forms that are specific enough to give good feedback that Counselors would understand? Thanks for any help.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Counselor Evaluation - 04/09/07 08:47 PM
We do monthly evaluations. I did the counselor ones last year and my director did one of me. I can send you one if you would like. Let me know!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Counselor Evaluation - 02/17/09 12:31 AM
We have two types of evals. Counselors 1st and 2nd evals, which happen after the first 2 10-day sessions, are done by their cabin senior counselor, who is the go-to person for each cabin. They write 1-4 sentences in each of the following areas: Camper Care, Safety Risk & Management / Manages Own Self Care, Promotes Choice and Independence, Teamwork and Professional Conduct, Programs, Additional Comments. If you want examples of how those sections would be filled out, let me know.

The second type of eval, which is done as staff leave camp (we have staggered end-of-contract dates), is written mainly by the Head Counselor, but has a section for the Director to comment and report also. This eval is written in paragraph form, takes information from the previous two evals (noting any growth and change), and from the HC's own observations. It covers the same types of topics as above, as well as anything else that would translate into outside jobs (as this eval is often read to employers calling camp for a reference).

I hope I've helped! Let me know if you need any more information, or an example eval, or anything!

(I realize this post is old, but I'm sure others will benefit from it)
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