Definately! Every year I was at my last camp I sugeested a nightly cleaning rota for our staff room - cos it had worked at a previous camp at this camp we needed to do something cos the staff house was a pig sty and it was never taken up - meaning that the first year shopper/driver/archery instructor had to do it and it could take her over as much as 2 hours to do, and the second year i was there it would only be done at the session breaks and could take a group or 3 or 4 staff as much as hour. Yet at the camp were I had been were it worked - one night a session you were expected to turn up at the staff lounge (they had rota) to clean it 15 mins before all camp lights out - and it didnt take more than a few minutes - the longest job being to sweep it - but because people knew that eventually it would be their turn to clean theykept the place tidy! And if you didnt turn up for your turn you had to clean out the slop buckets at the end of the session (except when I missed my turn - but I hadnt been feeling great and often did things I didnt need to during my TO).