We had people do that at chenoa too - and take all of the tables outside and stack them up in pretty patterns, and other times they have hidden the staff benches which go at the head and foot of each table.

What happened once and it wasnt as much of a prank as being mean and intolerant and luckily happened during a session break so the kids didnt know - was that 2 live-ins were put in my cabin - but one of them couldnt stand the other - so they took all her stuff and put it in another cabin - one that wasnt going to have campers in it - it caused major friction in the unit. Infact as unit leader I was the one who had to speak to ad staff about it cos the girl whose stuff was moved stormed off in a strop (understandibly) and the others were all thinking that what they did wasnt that wrong! It was a nightmare situation and caused alot of tension in the cabin!