Our CITs and WITs (when we have any WITS) also foot our tables for the staff heads. While most CIT programs are more internship experience than anything else, ours is a good combo of both working with the groups and learning things. We also spend time just being campers in a way, though everything we do we consider the campers and what you would do with campers, like our counselor will say, "now if you came up here with campers, you would do this/what would you do" etc, and oftentimes do those things with most or all of the CITs as the "campers" and our counselor, or one of us as the "counselor".

The only thing I don't really like about our program is that we actually have a pretty bad WIT program. They split time between being with the horses and with us and campers. Our program isn't big enough to have a seperate program for the two so our WITs are almost more like CITS who get to spend time up at the horses (anywhere from 2-6 hours a day). So I suppose it works if you want to be a counselor but are considering possibly being a wrangler. But then the WIT (only 1 in my CIT 1 group) is gone from the group for part of the day so then they feel a little left out and they don't do all of our cool activities and sometimes miss the being camper stuff.

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"