I think that is a good plan Smudge! I love this thread too and i have some of my favorites in a word document saved on my computer! It's like 13 pages long!

...When you sing camp songs for more than an hour straight on your 5 hour drive back to school after break. Or when you are driving somewhere and try to see if you can fill the entire drive with camp songs! This workds well in terms of fun and whatnot, but also helps me keep the songs at the tip of my tounge for camp since I don't sing them as much in the school year.

...when the rest of the staff on camp go to coldstone on the last night and take up the entire place AND (this is the crucial part) when they start singing their Zippedy-do-da tip song that has lyrics to go along with tipping, you all start singing the real song while they are singing and thus overshadowing them. I hope the person who tipped them wasn't too mad that she didn't get to hear the tip song! (I'm pretty sure it was someone not from camp that tipped them) oops! It was fun though!

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"