Oo! We played a game like that when I used to go to youth group at our church lock-ins. It was called Commando.

One person hid with a bunch of small items (usually paper clips, etc) The rest got put into groups. Every person had a popsicle stick that was their "life". They then turned out all the lights and the adults wandered around with flashlights.

The object of the game was for the teams/people to find the person who hid and collect the most of the item, one at a time. The object of the adults was to catch the searchers by shining their lights on them. The adults then made the people they caught do something silly (sing a song, do a dance, play leapfrog, etc) and took their "life" away. The people had to stop what they were doing and go back to the home base to get another life, wait for a certain amount of time and continue searching.

It was soo much fun. The adults would hide and pop out and the kids would sneak around like ninjas trying to search and not get caught. Me and my friends played it in a park at night once and it was crazy fun then too.