Hey... you never know... the bird might taste nice too. \:\)

At our local six flags we have an animal safari park. Its like 800 acres of land with all of these animals from all over the world running around. They separate the difference continents or areas by fences so no one gets mixed up, and the predators are clearly separated by a much taller fence. The animals that wont eat you or trap you in your car are just allowed to run around there is no fencing by the road since the speed limit is like five anyway and they have guards armed with tranquilizer guns at the borders between areas. So anyway we're driving along and this ostrich just sits down in the road in front of us. And my dads inching up on it trying to make it get the idea that it needs to move and it's just giivng him a nasty look and staying right where it is. So my dad sneaks up a little closer and my mom's going 'Tom, you're going to hit the ostrich' and my dad's going 'No I'm not, it'll run away...' and then all the sudden the ostrich starts flapping it's wing wildly and squawking. The whole car was shaking like we were in a huge earth quake. My little cousins are shrieking and crying, my brother and I are laughing hysterically, my mom is hitting my father and my aunt being the lovely easy going woman she is grabs a feather that had flown in through the window and goes 'Look kids! Ostrich feather!' and my cousins stop crying and look at her like she's crazy for like a split second and then start shrieking even louder. So when the thing finally runs away my dad drives up the the guards and tells him what happened and the guard goes 'You prolly just got his toes, damn things do that all the time and they're always surprised when someone rolls over their toes'
and it caused something like 1500 dollars worth of damage to a company car. my dad told them that it was skateboarders that did the damage.