I can share the two different ways we played, teenster - there are a lot of different variations.

1st version - We got all of the staff members cheap water pistols (you know, the little plastic ones you can get at a dollar store). Wrote the name of each person that wanted to play on a slip of paper, and everyone drew names. To get a successful 'kill' you had to get your person with the squirt gun. If they shot you first when you were trying to get them, you had to wait 10 minutes before trying again. We had a few 'safe' zones where you couldn't be shot. Once you got your person, they were out, and would give you the name of the person they were supposed to get. Eventually it should work it's way down to one person - however, if you just do a random draw (so that everyone can play) it is possible that you will get a few circles instead of one big one, if that makes sense. If you want to avoid this, you can have one person set it up, but then that person can't play, since they know who has everyone.

The second way follows the same basic format. However, instead of a water pistol everyone draws from a list of random objects (this can be specific to your camp - ours had things like a spatula, a rubber chicken, a pool noodle, flashlight, etc.). To 'kill' a person, you must get them to pick up that object or take it from you. If you want to make it more difficult, you can also have them draw from a list of places at camp, and they have to get their person in that specific place as well.