1. What position will you be in at camp this coming summer?
Seasonal Camp Director at a GS camp

2. Is there anything that you are anxious or nervous about for camp?
This will be my first year as Camp Director and this is new having just a seasonal camp director so I'm a little nervous about how it's all going to work. There's currently an interim director who is getting everything ready so that helps. I just want to make sure I have everything I need and am prepared for camp as best as I can be.

3. What are you hoping to get out of camp?
I want it to be a great summer for the girls and everything to run smoothly leadership team wise and staff wise.

4. What do you expect from the support [leadership] staff (camp director, assistant camp director, etc.)?
I want everyone to work together in a mature and appropriate way. I want all staff to get along and be a team.

5. If you're feeling stressed at camp, what is something that support [leadership] staff could do to make you feel better?
I would like everyone to understand that sometimes I need a little downtime or help. It's important for me to be able to relax a bit and have some fun as well.

6. For returning staff - do you have a positive experience with your support staff you could share?
We have had some great staff members in the past few years and worked out a ton of kinks that have helped make camp run more smoothly and everyone get along better.

7. For returning resident staff - what do you find to be the most challenging part of your job?
I think the most challenging part of my job is always going to be dealing with major issues that might occur. There are always issues at camp, but it's sometimes hard to deal with staff not getting along or campers who don't want to do what they're supposed to.

8. What do you like to do to relax?
I love to read, color, draw, write, mess around on the computer, and just sit and enjoy the outdoors. I also enjoy taking a gator (golf cart thingy) out and going on a back trail to enjoy a bit of time alone.