Hey guys,

I just got back from a leadership weekend at camp. We were preparing for the summer, especially staff week. We got a lot accomplished and I'm ready for the summer to begin.

One topic that came up was that of camper behavior in program areas. In the past we've had a few occasions where campers do not act like little angels, whether it be bullying, coming late to activities, refusing to do something, etc. Program directors have struggled with how to react to this kind of behavior because they are constantly told that, "camp isn't school." While, the PDs and myself agree with that statement, we still struggle with what to do when that behavior happens. Is there a form of "discipline?" or positive action we can take so that the camper learns that certain types of behavior are not acceptable?

We had a guest speaker come to camp and speak about these things, though most of her advice went the school route, and I'm not sure if that's what our camp would like to do. I enjoyed the guest speaker and will use much of what she said in her classroom.

So, I'm wondering how other camps handle camper discipline, specifically in program areas and not in the bunks or units. Thanks.

- Teenster


Caring - Competent - Confident