My list is very similar, I do go out and eat but its more for a drink and to socialize. Walmart and sleeping of course. The issue is that on our camp doesnt have staff parking, so counselors who bring their cars to camp leave them at the camp office in the city and then get bused about 70 miles to the camp. The camp has one senior staff member drive on their day off, and pretty much if you want a trip into town you have to go where they go in the camp van. TYpically on your day off your stuck in camp until lunch, then after lunch they drive into town, you get there at about 2 and then they pick you up at 5 and back to camp in time for dinner. The drop off place is always Walmart for the camp supply run.

I would add two things that I do 1) Haircut and 2) Spa.

The spa thing started when I was at a Y camp that was only about 1 1/2 hours from the metro YMCA and a lot of people drove. Well the camp job came with free membership to the metro YMCA, and they had a health center, we could use as part of the facilities, so Id book a massage and then lounge in the hot tub, and steam room etc. Afterwards wed grab something to eat and drink, then drive back to camp. Since then Ive tried to figure out a way to get a massage on my days off.