If you're really interested in a traditional camp, it wouldn't hurt to start looking at schools and/or churches that would rent you space for cheap for a day camp. I had a friend do that for a couple of years and it worked pretty well. After that, building up a name and reputation, you could see about renting some land from a farmer or someone else in the community who has a lot of land that you could use part of. You would have to pitch tents, rent a Johnny On the Spot and cook your own food, but it could be done. You could also find a state/national park in the area that would let you rent their grounds for a week.

After all of that I would look at partnering with a large non-profit group that would either loan or grant you the money to start a camp.

Luke is right, though- weddings, field trips, conferences, are where the real money is made. It's the year long cash flow.