I have not personally used a CSA at my camp. I can think of a couple points to consider:

1--Can you get sufficient quantities to prepare at least one dish for you camp? You need 4 ounces per person for most vegetables. That's 25 pounds per 100 persons. Will the CSA be able to support you need?

2--How will the offerings from the CSA tie into the camp menu? Many camps run a one- or two-week menu. Does your administration give you the flexibility to change the menu based on what you receive? Remember that you're going to receive produce that's in season, which varies by location, altitude, etc.

3--Cost is going to be a big factor. How does the weekly cost for the CSA fit into your food budget? Do you need additional labor to prepare the vegetables?

4--You need to do your research. What CSAs are available? Do they deliver the larger quantities? Or does the camp have to pick each delivery up?

Try these link from ChefTalk.com:
