Thanks, LukeBK! It is a jump just in the different type of day and energy and all. Friday morning comes around in res camp and I have to really work to get the kids and myself out of bed. Day camp I have to work to get myself up since I'm living at camp and work in the evenings helping res camp after my 2 hours off. The kids however come bounding off the bus raring to go after getting a good night's sleep after an early bedtime and eating a good breakfast. :) Ok, sure, I'm generalizing and some of them probably didn't get these things, but still, enough of them so totally did!

I am lucky enough to know the camp, and even its day camp program like the back of my hand, and have done the UC thing before so I've got some supervisory experience, but you are right that it's a totally different ball game. I'm also lucky that my supervisor/director started at my camp 8 summers ago as the day camp coordinator and I am friends with the person who did this job 2 summers ago and was the director in charge of supervising the DC coordinator last summer so I have all sorts of help from them!

I will definitely take you up on that if I have any questions! Actually, got any good ideas of free or really really cheap people or activities that come to camps to do something for a special activity? We've got the fire department booked each year, and I believe a planetarium thing coming, and the museum of flight brings their rocket camp kids to our camp to shoot off some rockets for us.

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"