Yeah we work some day and some res camp, though since the resident camp is bigger most of the counselors work that most of the summer. Our program staff work with both day and res camp since any group can do those activities (age dependent of course.) Our unit coordinators work the same unit all summer, so they are really the only ones who don't get a mix of the day and res.

I agree that the day camp day is quick. Our younger ones kind of have down time because they aren't quite old enough to do some of the activities, but it's really just game time and sometimes we play sitting down type games. Lunch is the primary down time, especially for our upper elementary and middle school students. We also have the bus or extended hours as pretty chill times or we sing songs and play road trip games. Snack can be chill, but with our older kids especially they were usually eating and then back to activities to fit in all the big stuff.

I think that was our major complaint for day camp was that it is such a go go go day. It's a sprint and res camp is a marathon. But I find that I don't mind the sprint because at the end of the sprint I get a really long "break" from my group of kids. Sure I'm helping with other aspects of camp, but the group I am responsible for and spend so many hours with are at home with someone else caring for them so I really get to unwind from that day. I think the other complaint is that day camp feels so isolated. If you have day camp the first session you meet these people for 7-10 days during training and then 3 days go by before you see them for various reasons and then think "Oh, yeah, that person exists!"

But I love all the benefits day camp provides for the campers and I love the sprint and the fun and the itty bitty kids with the backpacks that are bigger than their entire torsos and all the social skills we learn at camp and the smaller amounts of homesickness! :) Because we know it still happens! Also, it can be easier to check-in with the parents at the beginning or end of the day if there is something you want to ask about or let them know without deciding if it warrants a phone call, which then terrifies the parent. I also love that some kids come back all summer so we get to know them that way, or at least I will since I'll be consistent all summer. We get some inclusion (special needs) campers too and they usually return for more than one week per summer so I get to see them!! A couple of them are my besties now. Last year we formed a bond over taking our glasses off to get face paint on our cheeks (big sensory deal!) and a different kid and I formed a bond over having the same backpack and how after swimming we go get changed and then we get to sing songs and then go home. :) I can not lose or break this backpack before this summer! :)

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"