I am not sure about currently, but in the past our directors have gone to job fair type things or just visited colleges and set up a table in the student union area, perhaps found ways to get into publications or job search sites through those colleges. They've also posted on the council's and camp's facebook pages about job opportunities I believe.

As far as support I feel it's pretty similar to that offered returning staff, but in that the returning staff also help to support the new staff by offering to answer questions and such on the facebook group before even getting to camp. Once we get to camp we try to not dwell too much on the new/returning thing since everyone already knows who is new/returning and can ask each other. We do things as the staff of that summer, not as new and returning. Actually, last summer I feel like we did have a few sessions where we divided into new/returning for things that we could build on with the returning staff but that we wanted to make sure the new staff had a good solid understanding of (camp philosophy type stuff)

Every summer I have worked there we have included everyone in the training. For things like a scheduling we had returners teach it, but might throw in some new people also so they got to learn ahead of time and then help teach everyone (perhaps something like things to consider when scheduling- having high energy then low energy activities, showers need to happen too... type things) We have always really included new staff in teaching songs and games. At every meal all summer we have staff just jump up to teach/lead a song so in our meals during training we do that too. We welcome new songs and games so if someone already knows one from somewhere else, great! We have a lot of game times in our training and schedule new staff with returners so that they get a chance to either bring in a game they know but have someone to teach them one ahead of time if they need help.

Wow, rambles again! :)

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"