Like Teenster, I don't need things like a clock or supplies since I live in the staff house. I try to keep my typical camp packing of stuff I need for myself pretty basic - clothes that I need, bedding, towels, load up books and magazines on my kindle for night time reading.

My medical stuff is pretty extensive - I have some pretty sensitive health issues, so my meds usually take up an entire roller suitcase. I have a pretty large list of food allergies and some other food issues (I'm not supposed to eat foods with a lot of liquid, like soup, and I have to eat at some weird times), so I bring food and some food prep stuff as well - with a few exceptions I make most of the food that I eat while at camp.

This summer I'll be packing a ton of baby stuff, since my little one (one month old in a few days) will be coming with. I'm still working on what I'll have to bring to keep him happy, and ordering things like mosquito netting for the bassinet and summer weight swaddles and carrier wraps.

The few 'fun' things that I bring? A collection of plastic lacing keychains and lanyards - I was the arts and crafts director for a while and am known at camp for being ridiculously good at them. Some tie dye to do a few shirts while I'm at camp. Gold stars stickers (yup) to stick on staff for immediate recognition when I see them do something awesome. A tiny slow cooker to make spinach and artichoke dip as a treat for staff on their night off time. Last year I took a taco suit and wore it to dinner every week on taco tuesday - very popular.