Great blog!!!! Loved reading it, my favorite is number 4, so true and sitting around the camp fires or even just eating lunch together are always the best memories, especially when it is just you and your campers! Those moments are always the best because you really get to spend personal time with your campers and get a chance to get to know them, these moments are always my favorite because it is a great chance to take a break from the craziness of the camp day and get to sit back and have a good laugh with your campers. These moments are the reason why I count down the days until camp. But anyhow, your blog was amazing to read and really made me have flash backs about camp, definitely well-written it had me laughing non-stop because i've done most, if not all of those things on that list. Number 22 to me is the most important one though, nobody understands what being a camp counselor is all about I mean to me it is the greatest job in the world but unless you do it, you won't understand. I will definitely be sure to share it with my co-workers! Thank-you for sharing this with us!!!!

Most days, I cannot tell you what the date is but I can tell you how many days until camp starts!!