Well I guess we are the only ones on here so we might as well keep it going. What camps are you guys working at? I am working at 2 camps this summer, a residential camp for 9 weeks and a day camp for 3 weeks. I'm on my first summer at the residential camp (and first summer working at a residential camp) and my fourth summer at the day camp (first time not working the full 8 weeks there). The residential camp is in another state that is very far away and in that state , the kids get out of school a month earlier than where I usually work at camp (and live) so I get the opportunity to work an extra month at camp!! I'm interested in hearing where you guys work and what positions you work/how long you have worked there. I am studying to be an owner, right now I am just working as a counselor and seeing what type of camp I like better (hence the residential camp). Anyways, drop a comment with what you type of camp you work at/what position/how long you have worked there. I'm really interested to see what you guys are up to!

Most days, I cannot tell you what the date is but I can tell you how many days until camp starts!!