I in no way has found anyones posts warped or whatever the term used was. Sure we all state our opinions, and at times, I know I have gone a bit overboard, who hasnt.
If I have made any personal attacks (which I dont think I have) I am certainly not apologizing, this is the year 2003, certainly we have all grown up and learned to take hard hits as they come. We all post in the spirit of the moment we are in. If that happnes to be not so happy and "fluffy" than so be it. I'm sorry that Canuck was offended, and left or whatever, but that was his decision, and it is nto up to us to play the violin for his departure. Sure his posts were great and will be missed, but I'm not gonna beg for him to come back. He's just takig time off. Now befre ya'll jump my sh*t. These are just my views. I respect you all completely and enjoy reading everyones posts, but c'mon. It's not the end of the world.
And as for Lois Lane when she said there are some posts that she completely skips over b/c of whoever wrote them. I'm not attacking, just asking why.