Originally posted by georgie:
well, seeing that you'll be in Wisconsin (and I've lived here most of my life)...
you might get a bit of that Northern Midwest "ya der hey" thing.

Ok... i have no idea what "ya der hey" is. maybe I have to hear it and then I'll know.

We definetly have different accents. But like most people already said the most noticable are the southern US and international accents. I think it's sorta funny how we notice all these accents within our country and (atleast at my camp) most people don't notice regional accents from other countries. I mean even I have to admit, before working at camp, I didn't know there were SO MANY different British accents. Also, just wondering for all you non-New Englanders... what do we sound like to you? You can never tell your own accent until you're around a bunch of people that don't speak like you.