I grew up in CT... I still think we DON'T have an accent cause we say words the way they are written (no dropping letters or adding letters.) However, after spending 4 years in Virginia for college, I ended up with a seasonal southern mini-drawl. Y'all became part of my vocab.

After graduating I moved to Missouri, and I have noticed some differences. More in wording than they way words are said, but they are both noticable. For example... people in CT say "My shirt needs to be washed." In St. Louis its "My shirt needs warshed." A lot of times they skip the "to be" and just say needs washed, but they say it warshed. And the word here for loser is Hoosier... I always think of the movie, and of basketball when someone calls someone else a hoosier. I've been here 3 years, and I pride myself in never calling someone a hoosier.