If your Camp has visiting day how is it run?
We tend to have parents arrrive WAY early so we have to get up extra early. Then the kids that don't have visitors go on an off camp trip ( which is better than staying on Camp ). Then the parents can hang out and they also have like the circus show and other shows going on that day. Lunch goes from 12-2pm.

My Compaint was that being senior staff on visiting day sucks. One you don't get tips from parents ( unless you have been there for years and campers know you for years ) and that you always get stuck working some place for hours by yourself. I had to stand in the parking lot by myself for hours and had to bribe another counselor to stand in my spot just go to to the bathroom.

Does this seem wrong to you? I also told them that I can not stand for very long plus we had a HUGE rain storm toward the end of the day. Let's just say that I was not very happy at all.

How is your visiting day ran? What do counselor's do?, Senior Staff? Tell Me.