Canuk, while I basically agree with your points (though, in all fairness, the USA is a big country with drastically different areas, and it's cheaper and easier for someone like myself to travel in the US than outside it, since I'd have to drive or bus...can't afford aplane ticket. Plus, some people want to get to know their country before they explore outside of it.) I can't help but notice this is the first time you have laid out your thoughts in a way that doesn't feel like you are using American as an insult. I'm not much of a Patriot, and I am definately ill over current politics, but I only see a certain portion of Americans fitting your descrptions, just like I am sure you only see a certain portion of Canadians being snobbish, self-richeous, and boring.
I think the big problem (this is just MHO, don't anyone else get on me) is the way you put your ideas forth, in other parts of the board. Using a person's home country as an insult is hurtful and frustrating, and I think that people might get just as offended if you made fun of one of the other "internationals" by using their country as an insult. It's fine if you have an oppinion on the matter. I share them, more or less, but it's the way you toss them out there like every American is stupid and self-centered is is both ignorant and uncompassionate. I would think that as someone who seems to have reason to claim to be an exempilary staff member at a camp would have enough decency to not aggrivate an already sensitive issue.