Originally posted by whittie:
So, we had an "outbreak" of the whooping cough at my camp. . . which means that a few people who were there for the second session tested positive for it. But the CDC forced us to be quarantined for 5 days, so no one could leave camp. They wanted to fly a helicopter in with meds, but the director said no. But every person at camp from both sessions had to take meds. That was kinda crazy!
I think we had whooping cough but didn't know it until after the season, which is when the Wisconsin department of health issued a warning about whooping cough. In a nutshell, many of us, including myself, my wife, two of my kids, and several camp staff ended up at the hospital with a killer cough. For the first time in the 12 years that I have been associated with my current camp, I had to call an ambulance for my 4 month old son. He went to bed seemingly normal and woke up barely able to breathe at 3AM. Boy was that an eye opener. In the middle of podunk Wisconsin it took 45 minutes for the ambulance to arrive & we almost swerved off the road twice on the way to the hospital...once to avoid a deer and once to avoid a black bear. Based on the description of whooping cough, which the hospital did not diagnose and again the health department didn't tell anybody about until most camp seasons were over, I'm sure that is what we all had.

In all my years at camp I have not experienced an illness that knocked so many people out of action so fast.