Well this wasnt really a bad crazy thing, but more of a funny/crazy thing...one nite during my CIT session my friend and i had to watch two of the cabins because the counselors had to go to a big devotion and so we had this bucket candle that belonged to one of the counselors and we lit it for light and i got bored and being the pyro that i am i started burning things in it, and it starts to sizzle for some reason and i look in and theres cleansing napkins in it and then i put paper and ice cream in it....so we've got this big fire goin and another one of my friends comes up and puts a lot of bug spray on it and then it starts burning the outside of the bucket, so we start to panic and my friend grabs her soda and puts it in the fire thinking it would go out...it makes this little explosion and the wax is poppin out at this point,smoke goin everywhere! and after she did that, all the trainees that were watchin cabins came over to the table we were sittin at and were like WHAT HAPPENEd and were still freakin out cos its big now, so they put dirt in it and it finally goes out, then the counselors come back and we're like "did you see your candle we messed it up" and then we thought she'd be mad and shes like "LIGHT IT UP AGAIN LETS PUT SOME MORE STUFF IN!" it was the funniest thing so we light it up and put all sorts of crap in it, and then shes like "i declare this the cabin 6 pyro bucket" it was one of the best nites!! haha :p