My unit was famous for illness.
1st week- I get bitten by a HUGE ant on my neck and 24 hours later I am in the hospital w/ an allergic reaction! scary!
2nd and various other random weeks-co-counsellor ends up in the emergency room for heart problems and a horrific infection in her leg from a tiny cut acquired during a long creek stomp.
We had an earthquake (the camp is in Illinois).
We also had the record # of pukers for the summer most of which I played a large role in cleaning up, usually in the wee hours of the morning.
We also got lost in the woods for 2 and 1/2 hours on an overnight camping trip with 28 10year olds.
I have never ever had such a crazy summer in my life. And these are only the things I feel comfortable sharing in public view.
P.S. We also had a drinking incident during time there were no campers on camp. Seven people were let go, including myself. which is really shocking, because it is so out of characteristic for me. There I confessed!