I'm from a GS camp, and we definitely use camp names...I've actually gone through about 6 camp names since I was a Brownie...though I've had Jabberwocky since I became a CIT. Boomis-that was the explanation I was given too. We tell girls our names on the last day of camp, though few remember from one year to the next, although when my little sister was at camp, she kept starting to say my name...VIrginia...so I had a group of kids that for the past 2 years still believes my name is "Vermont." Also amusing when my kids decided to sing "West Virginia, Mountain Mama" for campfire. BUt yes, it makes differentiation between campers and staff much easier-since there aren't two or three PLuto's or Jabberwocky's, though there's about 7 Sarahs, etc. We did have a camper named Roxie, and a staffer too, which was funny when we caught girls wandering around without a staff. We asked where their counselor was, and they said "They said to go with Roxie!" Staff meant the counselor, the 7-year-olds thought the girl!