*checks to see if hell has frozen over or the Cubs have won the World Series*

Canuck and Northwoods just agreed on something!

*wonders how long it will take for them to start arguing again*

Anyway I think a large part of camp names is rooted in tradition at GS camps especially, and because of that, it'll probably never change. Don't get me wrong, as I said I'm all for camp nicknames and such, but I think keeping your real name from the campers isn't setting a very good "be yourself" example.

It has been mentioned by a couple of posters on this thread that camp names help you create a new identity of sorts, but isn't that a negative thing? Camp is about you being yourself with you REAL identity, not making one up that fits in at camp. Also, I think the question as to why campers want to know your real names that several of you have asked should be pretty self-explanatory when you think about it, no? Your name is who you are, and campers want to get to know you as a person, not necessarily just as an extension of camp.