I like my camp-name. in part, it's because i hate my "real" name. I don't really know if it's "who i am" or if my real name is, since my take is; you are who you are and you can't actually be anyone other than yourself. I am who I am, and I can't be otherwise, so what matter what people call me? yes, I'm a rather different person at camp, but that really doesn't have to do with having a different name to "hide behind" the name-change might be part of it, but there is so much more.

Also, I have non-camp friends whom i only know by a nickname, much the same way that i know my camp friends, but does it change who they are if i don't know their real name? does Sarah hide behind Gelf? if there are so many Matts we can't keep them straight without nicknames, does that mean i don't actually know who they are? and i know you think it's different because i can learn their names if i want, whereas people generally don't tell their campers, but i don't think of it as hiding who i am from them. Camp names aren't that different from nicknames, and no one complains about people being called those, the only real difference is that one is derived from their real name, but the other...doesn't have to be.