Originally posted by Canuck:
Suppose you told all your frosh to call you The Green Lantern....seems a lot different than Jim, doesn't it?
Haha, oh camp names. They are ridiculous, and Canuck you are a master of satirizing phenomenally bad ones.

I like to think most people don't "hide" behind these camp names or become entirely schizo and have a duel personality whilst as camp. Let's be honest and not blow this all out of proportion. When it comes down to it, I think camp names are just stupid. Yes, even time honored traditions can smack of bad taste. Nicknames are fine, and there are plenty of people who have nicknames at camp that they don't use during the year. But to go by such random inside jokes like Tinkerbellybutton makes grown men and women sound like children, or animals, or cartoon characters. I want my campers to know my name is LINDSAY, not Red or Sweatervest or Snickerdoodle or RamenNoodles. Especially not RamenNoodles. I mean, come on. A rose by any other name would smell less sweet if you called it Crusty Thorn Pie.