Originally posted by TedRocks:
Noncamp namers say that camp is to prepare young people for the cruel hard world. Camp namers say that camp is a chance to be relieved from real life stressors.
Well I'm sorry that you have such a limited view on the functions and purposes of camp. I think that some of your camp directors and parents also would be somewhat disapointed. Parents send their kids to camp to have fun but also so that they grow and develop as individuals. Parents aren't sending their kid to camp and paying at times upwards of $7,000 for their kid to just have fun. They expect more and so should all of us. You may call my mentality "prepar(ing) young people for the cruel hard world". I call it giving kids the tools and resources to thrive in life.

But here are some of what our camp websites say the purpose of camp is:

Website one-

As their first experience away from home, we want our kids to develop self confidence, independence and a sense of self worth. At Pontiac, our campers experience a special feeling of unparalleled camaraderie and spirit where they begin developing special friendships and memories that last a lifetime. For these reasons, our campers and counselors return home to Pontiac summer after summer.. We hope these are values you and your child feel are important and we welcome you to join us next summer as part of our Pontiac family.
Website two-

We believe the summer at camp should be filled with experiences that develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and teach us how to build each other up. That's where true friendship derives, and that's what enables us to accept new challenges and adventures!
Website three-

-All campers have worth and dignity.
-All campers can succeed and achieve.
-Campers mature in different ways and at different rates.
-Camp shapes life long attitudes and behaviors.
-The camping experience contributes significantly to the development of the whole person.
-Campers need active participation in a challenging, exciting, and positive environment.
Website four-

Learning by doing is a great way to teach any concept or skill. Experiential learning is fun. Better still, skills learned 'hands-on' are rarely forgotten. We combine creativity and cooperation with individual challenges, all in the relaxed framework of an outdoor setting. Personal growth occurs naturally - trust, honest communication, positive leadership & friendships strong enough to last a lifetime are the dividends.
Four camp websites from people who post here. None of these are the camp that I work at. These are the words of the directors. My point is this, though, camp is about more than an being an escape for the summer. My goal; for none of us here to underestimate what our roles and influences are this summer.