Apologies Northwoods, you clearly mistook my point.

To be the same person at camp and at home is not possible. For me, and I know for a fact other people on this board.

That aside, dont you think you are getting a little to profound and psychosocial about this?

I think if little jenny is hiding behind twizzler, she has more problems beneath the surface that stem from things other than her alter ego.

A camp name is a tradition and a bit of fun. Maybe its my naivity or my nationality that thinks this. Not being American, I am the first to admit I don't fully understand the effect camp has on the american culture, but Im sure when one of our little girl scouts becomes the first female President, when asked "how did girl scout camp affect your life?", her response will not be "Camp Names scarred me for life, and now I only go by 'President Stubby" because I hide behind my alter ego in order to succeed".

Im going to a camp this year that doesn't use camp names. I asked my director if he minded if I still went by camp name. His answer was, "be called whatever you want, as long as you do a great job". So I will continue to go by my camp name until someone says I cant, in which I will go by my real name.

Much like SP, Im outta this debate, because although I feel these boards are great for debating camp issues as well as naming our favourite desserts, this is a pointless debate in which neither party will agree, or even agree to disagree, and 125 postings at last count is more than slightly ridiculous, with some, if not most posts, not debating a point, but merely making 'jibes' at other posters.

Hopefully we will have another posting like this which provokes as much interest, but where both parties can see the others point of view (I am including myself in this!).

ps - Happy Yuletide.