We've never used camp names and I was talking to a friend who went to girl scount camp before and we think that camp names are a little strange. I feel like after 4 weeks of living with a kid you get to know them really well and if I were the camper I wouldn't feel like I could trust the counselor who's name I didn't really know. It's different if on the first day the counselor is like "Hi my name is Kelly but you can call me Loofa cause all my friends do" but if it's like "Hi I'm Loofa but I'm not goign to tell you my real name" then, I agree with camper.. it sketches me out! It's so important in the camper/counselor relationship to trust and respect eachother and I just don't know how that's possible if you can't even know the real name. I think it kind of discounts having a name at all..
