Pirate Jokes

Q: How does an Italian piarate say good bye?
A: ARRRRivederci

Q: what does a female pirate love?
A: a good bARRRRRgain.

Q: What does a pirate's dog say?

Q: Why are pirates called pirates?
A: Because they arrrrrrrrrrrre

Q: If a pirate could do any job at a summer camp, what would it be?
A: Be a lifeguARRRd!

Q: What's a pirate's favorite mode of transportation?

Q: What's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet?
A: Arrrr

Q: What's a pirate's favorite kind of socks?
A: Arrrrgyle

Q: What is a pirates favorite study subject?
A: Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.

Q: what's a pirate's second-choice job?
A: an arrrrrrchitect!

Q: what's a pirate's favorite kind of cookie?
A ships ahoy

Q: why does a pirate's phone go beep beep beep beep beep?
A: because he left it off the hook!

Q: What has 8 arms and 8 legs?
A: 8 Pirates!

Q: Why couldn't the kids get into the pirate movie?
A: Because it was rated ARRRRRRR.