Ours aren't very fun... just basic codes... but here they are.

Code Blue - Rattle snake.
Code Red - Stranger.
Code Orange - Fire.
Code Fun - Missing camper/ staff member.
Code Yellow - Problem at the pool.

The only code I've had to use was code blue... it kind of made me mad because when a code is on the radio no one else is suppose to say anything until the situation is take care of. So I say code blue (the parents are there dropping off their campers btw and have all seen the snake 15 feet away from where their daughters are sleeping) and craft director, acting counselor for the afternoon comes on talking about a mouse. And she wasn't short and sweet about it either. Granted it was stuck to the mattress a girl was suppose to be sleeping on... but the stupid snake got away because I couldn't talk for like... 5 minutes. Sorry, that got long.