
My name is Alycia Johnson. My response to your posting may seem a little unusual, as I have no formal grant writing experience. However, my career is screaming for a transition and I am doggedly determined to make that happen.

I am in the process of completing the journalism program I started many years ago. Life got in the way and I found myself taking positions for the "money" and not because I had any desire or passion for them. That was good then, but my soul is crying out now for a change. I need to write. I need to fulfill my purpose.

I have begun to to learn the grant writing process. I am currently working with a NP in the Dallas, TX area. The Director there has graciously taken me under his wings and has begun to walk me through the process. I love it and I want more of it.

I ask that you consider me for the position. Not because of the experience I have, but because of my passion. I love writing. I love researching and learning. But most of all, I love knowing that my efforts have an infinite affect on people I may never know.

Please feel free to call me (202) 739-6329 or (301) 467-8562. I am not looking to get rich. I'm just looking for opportunities to maximize my talent.

Thank you.

P.S. ....and the request you posted with regard to camping is a bonus. My family and I have become avid campers the last 10 years. We've covered quite a few sites along the Northeast.