Amazing how many people can miss the point when they think you've stepped on their toes... I don't believe I ever said that campers didn't deserve good food. My question was simple... Are the rumors true that Tweedale's food this year was prepared by a chef and his staff, specifically brought in for a "test-case" of sorts. That question had already been answered, it seems. There was no "test case".

Keep in mind, the information I based the question on was being relayed by a child, through her mother and then on to me and a few others, as part of a casual conversation... Apparently, the thing about the chef and the reason he was there, was what some kids were saying at Tweedale this summer. As I said previously, it just didn't seem likely that a chef had been brought in to a Girl Scouts camp for those reasons.

I tend to question anything I hear that qualifies as hearsay, so I asked here in this forum. I never suggested that the rumor was true in any way and I also didn't say that good food is a bad thing. Nevertheless, I don't recall anything approaching "special" being served at camp 20+ years ago. I guess I'm surprised, but at the same time, I'm also glad to hear that's not the case now.