When you come home saying things like you did at camp and none of your home friends understand.
[example, to be 'positive' our staff said YEAH in front of almost everything. e.g. YEAH pool kapers! YEAH mail time! YEAH water break! YEAH cupcake cones!...oh, good times]

When asked your address or phone number, you automatically being with the camps, then realize it's not the one they were asking for.

When stacks of new cards are pretty much gold.

When a card game tournament gets intense, with rules and an official leader board.

When James Bond and trash remind you of playing cards.

When the line of 'i'll play winner' gets so long you have to write it down.

When rolling around in mud, flower, hotdog condiments, ice cream and sundae toppings is a completely acceptable sport in 'Olympics'.

When you cry every time you hear the song, Lean on Me.