ok, so I apparently didn't need to bump this thread with that one, since i have now found a whole bunch of cool ones on other threads just like this one! I took out the ones that we have definitely done before, but some may still be repeats, so sorry if they are. I didn't think of any of these, but stole them, so no credit for me!

bug spray counts as deodorant.....for 2 days

You speak nonchalantly about your foreign friends, though you've never been to Europe, and explain how accents don't phase you anymore.

You have a soft spot in your heart for burned hamburgers on paper plates and watered down bug juice in dirty-looking plastic cups.

*When you have to make a conscious effort to be sure not ALL of the photos in your apt are from camp.

You know you are an international at camp when you fold your flag the same way the americans fold theirs

you know you are an international at camp when you took an active interest in the election and tried to vote for Kerry

when you see a fellow staff member out somewhere you get excited and scream and attract attention

you automatically get hungry at 8:00 am, 12:30 pm, and 6:00 pm.

when you don't blink at your college friends having names like "genghis"

when you twitch if you hear your camp name, even if it's just a word

that you have been at the camp longer then the kids you are a counselor for have been born

People who work for the Girl Scout Council full time including the council CEO calls you by your camp name

Go to camp just to see progress of new construction and take pictures of it.

Get excited when you get to go and have lunch with some of the program department staff including the camp directors.

The smell of fire is something you want to make a perfume

Your wallpaper on your computer is always a camp picture

you understand the importance of a camp name

you understand that said camp name will be morphed into many a twisted things

Just to switch it up a bit, what you can only do AT camp:
*see your boss dress in drag
*get a free car wash
*paint people in charge of you
*throw someone in the lake without legal repercussions
*have regular mud fights
*get paid to sleep and lay on a beach
*walk around at night serenading other people
*wear your underwear outside of your pants
*use a giant slip-n-slide
*act like you?re eleven years old all the time
*get a real breakfast most mornings
*you get children to set the table for you (and do other random stuff for you too)
*lanyards are a form of art, as are friendship bracelets
*when you hear an air horn, you start ripping off your clothes and run to the nearest body of water.
*you get really happy when you hear ?Love Me Do? and ?Wannabe?
*if you don?t shower for three days, you?re still relatively clean
*you can steal mattresses from other peoples beds and not get in too much trouble
*shaving is way overrated
*you can blatantly lie to children, and it?s okay (and they believe you)
*you start writing notes to your friends again, just like in middle school
*you can take pop away from children, and drink it in front of them
*you get way too excited about chicken patties
*you sing songs that make absolutely no sense, and have absolutely no point
*boys can wear nail polish
*you make up songs about everything
*?your mamma?s on the roof? is the best comeback ever
*throw flour filled socks at children
*capture the flag becomes WWIII
*you have ten secret boyfriends (or girlfriends) again, just like in grade school
*Wednesday night is hospital night
*you can wear the same clothes for a week at a time, and no one notices
*confusion is the only state of mind
*you can call yourself a tripper in public, and not get in trouble
*toys are the best gifts to receive (especially if they?re Barbies, and you?re a boy)
*toilet-plunging is a necessary skill for survival
*watch tans are so in right now
*have pillow fights at work
*naptime is the best part of the day
*everyone is a winner
*you can have hot dogs for every meal
*you can get the plague and find a dollar all in one day
*you start dating other peoples boyfriends
*being licked by a small child in your sleep is not that unusual (note from campkgurl-I don?t think I want to know!)
*leader in training really means slave labor
*the Village People make regular appearances
*you can wear tie-dye, camouflage, and Hawaiian all at the same time
*make friends with strange people in boats while teaching a class from a canoe
*sit on a bed eating ice cream while the CIT watches the kids
*Teddy Grams in frosting is the funniest suicide you?ve ever seen
*your tan washes off in the shower
*funny and obscene quotes are written on walls, and this practice is encouraged (staff quote board in the lounge)
*when you hear a Disney song, the whole camp starts to sing along
*the Sound of Music soundtrack inspires dance parties during meals (best lunch I have ever had)
*you can color people?s ears purple
*for us the purpose of life is to fight maturity, screw everything else!

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"