i'll say it again: LOU FLAGO COOLEST GUY EVER! he's a square dance caller. he used to be the superintendent of nassau county schools on long island(i think, i might have the position wrong, he could have been the athletic director lol) anyway at my camp its pretty much the same as scottyb's...
the first day is all learning the steps and a line dance, the second day is learning more steps and another line dance, and a competition at night for each age group, 2 at a time: 3rd/4th graders, 5th/6th graders, 7th/8th graders, and 9th/10th graders. he also comes and works with the counselors during orientation. yes the campers and counselors get unbelievably into it. its one of the best nights of camp, by the time we get to camp on the first day everyone is talking about who is going to be in their square for square dancing. the younger kids are randomly put into squares and the older ones get to choose. if u get a chance to have lou come to your camp, TAKE IT!!!