haha, sad but funny!

I was recently at a book fair at my elementary school. I was looking around at the books and one of the people running it asked me what grade my kids were in! I was like, none, and then explained that I was looking because I work at a summer camp and also want to build my collection for when I become a teacher. The sad yet funny part is that I looked old enough to have a 5 year old, at least! Of course it is physically possible for me to have a 5 year old, but I am only 19! Of course, I don't blame her since I was at an elementary school book fair, and I was obviously not a student there and book fairs aren't exactly a high traffic spot for people who don't work there or have kids there! i was there visiting teachers so I found out about it! woot!

I have other times my age was questioned, but i don't recall any times where people thought my campers were my kids since I explain it when I am around those who don't know me!

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"