Yes, when you sign up for pen pal on talkcamp and they give you your best friend which will make it even easier to have a pen pal when you were already planning on staying connected over the summer.

When you save every staff manual and different materials from every camp you work at and it keeps getting bigger.

When you get to know the staff or returning staff ask you to take them out of camp for the evening

When the camp you are at keeps repeating the same song at every meal all summer long.

When you know what you are having for dinner every two weeks because the meal is the same every two weeks.

When you rush to the mail to see if you got any.

Again when you are always talking about camp with friends.

When ask if you heard about something important on the tv news and you look at your friends and say no, they ask "where have you been in the woods all summer" and you reply "yes"

When you own almost every t-shirt that the camp has

When you agree that everyone in facebook is mostly camp friends

Talking to friends about you best friend who lives in another country and they are wondering how you meet someone from another country

When you im and call your best friend in scotland on a regular bases

When you don't care what you look like in the morning or during the day because you are just going to get even dirtier as the day goes on.

Were rain is a natural shower and part of the camp on a normal basis

When you get home and answer the phone with your camp name and tell people that they can call you that instead of your given name