You should see me at precamp, DTP! I'm bouncing off the trees but exaughsted. I'm so excited to be there but since I don't do any exercising (mostly I just walk to class and back so that's not nearly close to summer walking) so I'm so tired and out of shape when I get to camp. I need to really start picking up my walking for this month and a half before camp.

Yeah, for me OE is less work and better pay. It's like a little more chill DC schedule with evening activities because the kids have parent counselors and a rest hour so I have staff housing and an hour off in the middle of the day. It's almost like the best combo of DC and res camp except you don't bond nearly as much. They are only there for one full day and 2 half days and they don't spend nearly as much time with you as res campers (at my camp at least) in those 3 days. I look at a pic of my favorite group last fall and honestly can't remember half of their names but most of my summer groups I can say at least half of every group this summer and still quite a few of the names from previous summers.

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"