muwahahahahaha!! So technically I don't start camp until Friday at noon, but I'm doing 3 airport runs and 2 of them are later at ngiht so I am going to be sleeping up at camp tonight and tomorrow night and doing an airport run tonight, tomorrow late morning, and tomorrow night so yeah! Basically i am moving up to camp tonight, at around 2am! It's a midnight pickup at an airport 1.5 hours away from camp. And I first get to go up to camp and pick-up a friend so that we've got the buddy system going for such a late pick-up! WOOT!!!!! So totally almost there!!! Gotta finish packing what i thought I had 2 full days to do until last night around 8pm when my CD called me! Oh think of the reimbursement check I'll be getting! Not to mention the excellent funness of it all!

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"