That is awesome! I'm also a new assistant camp director. I realized that after the first few days of staff training, that I was making too many comments about training and also that I was telling people about how many years of camp experiences that I have.

I stopped. They all know that I have a lot of experience now. So now I just keep quiet during meetings and let others talk. I also don't have any staff of my own, I'm mostly responsible for camp registration and being a floater. And I ran some of my own training as well. So I had my say. So now I just sit back and listen and observe everyone else. I'm also helping the arts counselor too with planning.

I decided to just let people come to me if they need help. I'm letting the camp director run camp because that is what they wan to do. SO next year when I am the camp director I will have more control.

All of this change within only a week , I think has been helping me. I'm not at camp a lot too because I'm recruiting campers. So people have noticed that I am not there and respect me more. For they know that if I don't fill camp then there would be no camp.

Sorry I have rambled on but I thought this post was a really good one and wanted to share.

Happy Camping!