Originally posted by Canuck:

Point #5
The USA is probably the country I feel most comfortable entering as a visitor. That being said, you guys do not treat your foreigners as well as other countries do. I'll bet that if you asked any foreign counselor, they would have a few funny stories to tell you about run-ins with Americans. It happens ALL THE TIME. If anything, this sentiment may encourage counselors to help their kids not behave in this way.
Hmm, I think the whole thing goes both ways on this point Canuck. I have been to Quebec and have been treated fairly poorly. Have been questioned by folks in other countries that I personally was responsible for my governments actions. We have friends from other countries and all they can say is how nice the people they are that they meet in the US. Yes there are jerks in America who treat anybody from "away" badly, but there are those types everywhere. "Away" is anybody who doesn't live in the area American or not. And I have travelled to Australia and other parts of Canada and all along running into the nicest people.

I agree with a lot of what you say Canuck, it's sometimes not that we Americans don't know what our problems are it's sometimes that we don't like or want others telling us what they are. Anyway if you're ever in the Maine woods I'll get you some good micro brew.