oh wow craziness at my camp this summer...where do i start?

first of all on girls side we had 4 girls pass out and 2 of them had seizures. this was at all different times of the summer but all right after lineup at the flagpole either in the morning or at night. it was the strangest thing. 3 of the girls were in my group, 2 in my bunk, 1 was a year younger. probably some of the scariest stuff i have ever seen...but by the 4th time it was weird- them camp was so not sensitive to it...except for my groupleader she freaked out every time. we found out that 2 of the girls had viruses, the other 2 were just dehydrated, and the seizures were caused by them hitting the ground not actual medical problems, but it was scary nonetheless. all of the girls are fine, thank goodness, it was just the weirdest thing...and the running joke was that it was from looking at the flagpole so our groupleader would yell DON'T STARE AT THE FLAGPOLE every day, haha. don't think i'm some crazy psycho for laughing at kids passing out, but it just kind of turned into a joke once each kid was ok. only the first one was really scary b/c it was the most severe.

another thing that happened was that something happened to a wire in between 2 of the bunks and it started a small fire...well none of us knew that but our lights randomly went out, and since there was no storm or anything we had a weird feeling that something was going on. so i walked out onto our porch and the groupheads were out there yelling at all of us to get everyone up to the softball field. of course we had no clue why so we were bugging out, then when we got up there it was explained to us and we relaxed, but of course the kids didn't. we had so many scared, crying kids, plus it was shower time so half of them were in towels or bathrobes and we had to give them our clothes. then, to calm the kids down, we started singing some camp songs and that worked, but it was the funniest sight i have ever seen- the whole camp lined up in towels and all of the counselors' clothes, and the counselors standing half naked in front of them leading the singing...after about 30 minutes we were allowed to go back down to the bunks but it was so bizarre!

i know there are more crazy moments, i'll post when i think of them!